Along with all the ups and downs of 2016, I have learnt many things that have shaped me into the person I am now. Since the start of the year I have grown as a young woman which makes me proud of myself (not to sound self-absorbed in any way). I thought I'd share with you the teachings I have learnt throughout the year.
You may not be good at it but with practice you shall only get better.
I'm a perfectionist. Like most women so I've heard. But I let being a perfectionist take control and if I wasn't good at something at the first attempt, I'd be so upset with myself . I've learnt from my mam that I should just keep trying as not everything in life is easy but it'll only get easier with practice.
Don't let people effect your life and happiness.
This is one that I'm still working on. I let what people think get to me. I'm a shy girl so it's not that easy for me just to be outgoing with everyone. I've had my share of not-so-nice people whom I've let them effect me and bring me down. But as time goes on, I've began pushing all that negativity out of my life because I don't need that. Okay girl.
Don't stress over all that school work.
As it's my last year in secondary school, the work is piling on and the studying is immense. All to prepare for the dreaded Leaving Certificate exams!! I've had my fair share of late nights to meet deadlines. Many people have told me that "it's not worth the stress, your life won't revolve around your results". I've taken a leaf out of their books and relaxed a tinsie bit. Organizing also helps to ease the stress which I am not accustomed to..
Chase your dreams because no one will do it for you.
We've all had periods where we were the "sheep". But what I've come to realize is that I'm different to other people. Why should I follow one particular person? Do they have the same vision I have? No! If i want something, I have to fight for it. Don't wait for someone else to do it first.
Turn off the phone, turn on reality.
I was obsessed with my phone, Ipad, laptop. you name it. I never took a moment away from them. But there has come many a time this year that I've had to take time away from them because of work, school etc. Let me tell you, it didn't kill me! I never thought that I'd be able to spend even an hour away from social media.. okay maybe that's an exaggeration. Try one day away from technology and live in the present. You'll feel better because of it. Trust me.
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